Friday, May 11, 2012

We Finally Made It !!

Last year when I started this blog we thought we had our home in California sold and were making trips to our Oregon farm to begin moving our possessions. Well, things didn't quit fall into place and we remained in California for another year.

Fast forward to May 2012...(I lost interest in the blog with the disappointment of not selling our home)...But now I'm back.

There have been a lot of changes in our family since I last wrote March 30, 2011. Our second daughter Emily married a wonderful man, Matt, in May of 2011 and relocated to Lebanon, Oregon from Houston, Texas in July of 2011. Our third daughter, Lisalyn welcomed another little boy to their family in June 2011, his name is Warren and Will can hardly wait for him to grow up and play! Our fourth daughter Karen, took a job in Portland in May of 2011 teaching outdoor skills to school age children. She is the Pied-Piper of children and loves her job.  So with three of our children in Oregon and Addie in eastern Washington it was about time for us to make the move!

And so we did! One year later, same buyers, new offer, we were able to sell our home and make the move to Oregon. Ted's last day of work was Feb. 29, 2012, and we closed escrow on our California home March 1. Pinch me! We have been in Oregon for more than 2 months now.

This is our home in Sheridan, Oregon. It doesn't look like much but is comfortable if it's not too cold or raining, which it is and does a lot of in Oregon! Aside from the drafts and leaky roof it's beginning to feel like home. So, I'm over the "Pity Party" and so glad to be close to my kids and grandkids which we get to see so often.

We've already done a lot of work and improvements with I will share in upcoming posts so stayed tuned.